International Recognition
Invited & Keynote Lectures
- 10th Kwang-Hua Forum on innovations and Implementations in Earthquake Engineering Research, “Novel, low-cost solutions for low-income regions”, Tongji University, China, 6-8 December, 2023 [Invited Lecture]
- UNESCO – IPRED (ITU) 12th Conference on 6th February 2023 Kahranmanmaras Earthquake Sequence, “The Hellenic Reconnaisance Mission after the Feb. 6th earthquake sequence: observations and challenges”, Turkey, 27 September, 2023 [Invited Lecture]
- 17th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, “Hybrid, low-cost, seismic isolation solutions for low-rise buildings in developing countries: experimental results and challenges faced”, Torino, Italy, 11-16 September, 2022 [Keynote Lecture]
- Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (3ECEES) “Large-scale testing for enhancing the resilience of schools in seismic regions: challenges and cost-efficient solutions”, Bucharest, Romania, 4-9 September, 2022 [Theme Lecture]
- Turkish Academy of Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, Governorship of Istanbul (2021) “Seismic Safety and Resilience of School Buildings”, Getting Ready for the Big One- Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 17-19, 2021 [Keynote Lecture]
- Tongji University (2020) “Novel solutions for enhancing seismic resilience of highway bridges”, 2020 International Conference on Earthquake Innovation and Seismic Mitigation of Bridges Shanghai, China (hybrid online conference) [Keynote Lecture]
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (2020) “Quantifying Seismic Resilience of Infrastructure and Communities: smart tools vs. pragmatic challenges”, Workshop on Resilient Cities through Computation, Zoom Event USA [Invited Lecture]
- University of Zhenjiang (2019) “Seismic Resilience of bridges considering soil-structure interaction”, International Conference on Earthquake Innovation and Seismic Mitigation of Bridges, Hangzhou, China [Invited Lecture]
- Italian Association for Earthquake Engineering (2019) “Seismic risk and resilience assessment of roadway networks in earthquake prone areas”, National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Italy [Keynote Lecture].
- MOIS (Ministry of the Interior and Safety of Korea) and NDMI (National Disaster Management Institute) (2019), “Seismic Resilience of Civil Infrastructure”, South Korea [Invited Lecture].
- Tongji & Southeast University (2018) “Α decision-making framework for enhancing resilience of road networks in earthquake regions”, China [Invited Lecture].
- Korean Society of Earthquake Engineering (2018) “Resilience-based management, maintenance and upgrade of highway networks in earthquake regions”, South Korea [Invited Lecture].
- University of Porto (2017) “Expert systems for advanced FE modelling of bridges and buildings using OpenSees”, Portugal [Keynote Lecture]
- 21st European Earthquake Engineering Seminar (2009) “Impact of asynchronous seismic excitation on the vulnerability of R/C bridges”, European Assoc. for Earthq. Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey [Keynote Lecture].
- Bulgarian Technical Chamber (2006) “Design seismic actions and determination of action effects using appropriate computational tools”, Sofia, Bulgaria. [Keynote Lecture]
Research Excellence Awards
- Fulbright Research Scholar: at the University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2012).
- Research Excellence in Higher Education: Ministry of Education, Athens (2012)
- Award of Research Excellence: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2012)
Teaching Awards & Distinctions
- Nominated for the Inspiring Teaching Award University of Bristol (2021)
- Three Nominations for the student-led Outstanding Teaching Award, Outstanding Supervision Award, Outstanding Support Award, University of Bristol (2018)
- Nominated for the student-led Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Bristol (2017)
- Visiting scholar: Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University California Berkeley, USA (2007).
- Visiting researcher: Mid-America Earthquake Center (MAE), University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2003).
Chairman in National Conference
- Chairman of the 5th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece (2022)
- Chairman of the 4th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece (2019)
Awarded & highly cited / accessed research papers
- Journal Paper [J42]: 2018 Outstanding Paper Award, Earthquake Spectra.
- Journal Paper [J47]: Top-10 downloaded paper for 2019 across the entire Earth Sciences Journal series of Springer
- Journal Paper [J09]: the most cited article of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Elsevier, IF=2.077) within 2009-2014.
Editorial Work (selected)
- ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (Associate Editor)
- Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Editorial Board)
- Advances in Engineering Software (Editorial Board)
- Earthquake Spectra (Associate Editor)
- Journal of Earthquake Engineering (Associate Editor)
Scholarships and distinctions during studies
Doctorate in Civil/Bridge Engineering:
Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece. (Sept. 1998-Nov. 2001).
- Grade: 10/10
- Scholarship from Bodossaki Foundation
MSc in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics:
Imperial College London, UK (Sept. 1997 – Sept. 1998)
- Grade: “Distinction” (GPA: 88/100)
- Scholarship: EPSRC, UK (Ref.# 9741415X).
Diploma in Civil/Structural Engineering (5-year Programme):
Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece. (Sept. 1992 – June 1997)
- Grade: ”Excellent – 9” (GPA: 8.84/10).
- Graduation Classification Order: 1st , Valedictorian
- Upper 0.1% graduation grade in the history of the Department between 1980-2000.
- Best Academic Achievement Award by Hellenic Scholarship Foundation (1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997), Technical Chamber of Greece (1993, 1994, 1996, 1997), Commercial Bank of Greece (1993, 1997), Labour Organization of Thessaloniki (1996, 1997).
- University Entry Exams (1992): Mathematics score: 160/160 (upper 0.01% nationally).
Invited Seminars
- International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) (2021) “Resilience-Based Management of Bridge Portfolios in Seismic Regions”, 9th July 2021 (webinar).
- WebStruct (2021) Structural Engineering Webinar Series, 23rd June, 2021, India (webinar).
- City University (2018) “Performance-based design of critical infrastructure considering soil-structure interaction effects”, United Kingdom.
- University of Toronto (2017) “Experimental investigation of soil-pipe interaction”, Canada.
- Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (2015) “Dynamic response of long bridges under spatially variable earthquake ground motions”, Italy.
- Dumbarton Oaks Institution of Harvard University at Washington D.C. (2015) “Antiquities vs. Metro: towards a consensus in Thessalonike”, United States.
- City University (2014) “Seismic Risk of Transportation Networks”, United Kingdom.
- University of Bristol (2014) “Dynamic response of special bridges under spatially variable earthquake ground motions”, United Kingdom.
- Bochum University (2013) “Finite Element model updating and Structural Health Monitoring as a tool for assessing the seismic performance of major bridges”, Germany.
- University of Toronto (2013) “EXCHANGE-SSI and Intercontinental Hybrid Experimentation”, Canada.
- University of Toronto (2013) “Selection of earthquake ground motion for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering”, Canada.
- Bauhaus University of Weimar (2013) “Special variability of earthquake ground motion”, Weimar, Germany.
- University of Cyprus (2013) Advanced issues of Computational Earthq. Eng. Workshop “3-Dimensional pounding of adjacent buildings under earthquake loading”, Cyprus.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, (2012) Dept. of Mechanical Science & Engineering, “Finite Element model updating and Structural Health Monitoring as a tool for assessing the seismic performance of major Greek bridges”, United States.
- Georgia Institute of Technology (2012) “Spatially varying earthquake ground motion and dynamic response of long bridges: assessment from a structural engineering perspective”, Atlanta, United States [supported by IIE Occasional Lecturers Fund, Washington D.C.].
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012) Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering “Asynchronous excitation of bridges in high seismicity areas: evidence, ongoing research and design implications”, EERI & MAE Seminar Series, United States.
- Bauhaus University of Weimar (2011) “Advanced simulation techniques for soil-foundation-structure systems under earthquake loading”, Weimar, Germany.
- Bauhaus University of Weimar (2010) “Strategies for improving the reliability of finite modeling in earthquake engineering applications”, Weimar,
- Bauhaus University of Weimar (2009) “Advanced Computational Modeling of Soil-Structure Interaction for Seismic Design of Structures Parts I & II”, Weimar, Germany.
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop (2008) “Advanced computational tools for modeling site-embankment-abutment interaction”, Borovets, Bulgaria.
- Mid-American Earthquake Center (2003) “Multidisciplinary test sites as a tool for integrated European Research”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States.
Invited Seminars