Conference Papers
[IC.122] Agarwal, J., Parajuli, R. R., Xanthou, M., & Sextos, A. (2023) “SAFER: Improving seismic resilience of schools and educational communities”, 14th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Dublin, Ireland.
[IC.121] Zhang, Z., De Risi, R., Sextos, A. (2022) “Regression models and intensity measure pairs for offshore wind turbine multi-hazard fragility functions”, 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, 4-9 September.
[IC.120] Parajuli, R., Xanthou, M., Agarwal, J., Sextos, A.G. (2022) “Smart tools on for self assessing community resilience in seismic regions: a case study from Nepal”, 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, 4-9 September.
[IC.119] Zhang, Z., De Risi, R., Sextos, A.G. (2022) “Age-dependent multi-hazard fragility functions of operating offshore wind turbines”, 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Bucharest, 4-9 September.
[IC.118] Aminulai, H., Baiguera, M., Sextos, A. G., Kashani, M. M. (2022) “Seismic performance of Nepalese schools: a full-scale test of a typical unreinforced masonry wall”, 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah, 27 June – 1 July.
[IC.117] Stefanidou, S., Sotiriadis, D., Margaris, B., Sextos, A., Theodoulidis, N. (2020) “Preliminary aspects on ground motion, site characterization and structural damage of Durrës earthquake (Mw6.4, 26‐11‐2019)”, International Symposium on Durres Earthquakes and Eurocodes, Albania.
[IC.116] Vassiliou MF, Broccardo M, Cengiz C, Dietz M, Dihoru L, Gunay S, Moshalam, K.M. Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A.G., Stojadinovic, B. (2021) “3D rocking motion: blind prediction contest results and influence of evaluation metric on the rankings”. COMPDYN 2021 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.) Streamed from Athens, Greece, 27–30 June 2021, 2021.
[IC.115] Park, J., Zhang, Z., Kwon, O.-S., Bousias, S., Sextos, A.G. (2020) “Hybrid simulation of a pipeline linking two structures within a natural gas processing plant”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.114] Sextos, A.G., Crewe, A., Dietz, M., Wardrop, G., (2020) “Design of a high-performance Hexapod shaking table to meet the requirements in the latest seismic qualification codes”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.113] Manandhar, V., Shrestha, H., Marasini, N.P., Prajapati, R., Guragain, R., Chaulagain, R., Sextos, A.G., Alexander, N.A. (2020) “Experimental investigation of low-cost steel wire mesh retrofit for stone masonry in mud mortar”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.112] Wang, Z., Xie, Y., Friis, T., Ji, D., Xiong, X., Yuan, W., Sextos, A.G., Katsanos, E., (2020) “Structure-specific selection of earthquake strong ground motions for nonlinear analysis of RC structures”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.111] Sextos, A.G., Feng, R., Yuan, W. (2020) “Seismic loss assessment of highway bridges for different azimuths of ground motions”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.110] De Risi, R., Wang, S., Werner, M.J., De Luca, F., Vardanega, P.J., Pokhrel, R., Maskey, P.-N., Sextos, A.G. (2020) “Simulation-based PSHA for the Kathmandu valley: sensitivity to hypocentre randomization”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.109] Parajuli, R.R., Agarwal, J., Xanthou, M., Sextos, A.G. (2020) “Resilience of educational communities in developing countries: a multi-disciplinary approach”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.108] Chen, P.-Y., Meng, S., Sextos, A.G., Taciroglu, E., (2020) “A regional performance-based seismic assessment toolbox for non-ductile concrete buildings”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.107] Giordano, N., Norris, A., Manandhar, V., Shrestha, L., Paudel D.R., Quinn, N., Rees, E., Shrestha, H., Marasini, N.P., Prajapati, R., Guragain , R., De Luca, F., Sextos, A. (2020) “Life-Cycle Analysis of Incremental Seismic Retrofitting of Traditional Constructions in Nepal”, International Conference on Reconstruction, National Reconstruction Authority, 27th-29th November 2020, Nepal.
[IC.106] Ali, A., De Risi, R., Sextos, A.G., (2020) “Sensitivity of offshore wind turbine seismic response to rotor modelling simplifications”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.105] Pokhrel, R.M., Gilder, C.E.L., Vardanega, P.J., De Luca, F., De Risi, R., Werner, M., Sextos, A.G., (2020) “Geotechnical variability of the soils in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal”, 17th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
[IC.104] Moschen, L., Pichler, D., Sextos, A. Lesgidis, N. (2020) “Which model do you use for your rail track design?”, Railway Engineering 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
[IC.103] Tsinidis, G., Di Sarno, L., Sextos, A.G. and Furtner, P. (2020) “A numerical methodology for the fragility assessment of buried steel pipelines subjected to axial compression strains induced by seismic wave propagation”, 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 23-26 June, 2019, Chania, Greece
[IC.102] de Leeuw, L., Diambra, A., Dietz, M., Milewski, H., Mylonakis, G., Kwon, O.-S., Sextos, A.G. (2020) “Using coating roughness to control pipe-soil friction and influence pipeline global buckling behaviour”, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, Austin, Texas, USA.
[IC.101] Tsiavos, A., Alexander, N. & Sextos, A. (2019) “Numerical Investigation of the Sliding Response of Flexible Structures Founded on a Deformable Granular Layer”, 2nd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning (ICEE-PDRP 2019) 25-27 April 2019, Bhaktapur, Nepal, p.116-125
[IC.100] De Luca, F., Giordano, N., Gryc, H., Hulme, L., McCarthy, C., Sanderson, V. & Sextos, A., (2019) “Nepalese School Building Stock and Implications on Seismic Vulnerability Assessment”, 2nd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning (ICEE-PDRP 2019) 25-27 April 2019, Bhaktapur, Nepal. p.319-329
[IC.99] Ali, A., De Risi, R., Goda, K., Sextos, A., Chang, Z. (2019) “Efficiency of Spectral Acceleration for Seismic Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbines”, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, South Korea, paper no. 205.
[IC.98] Pokhrel, R., De Risi, R., Werner, M., De Luca, F., Vardanega, P., Maskey, P. & Sextos, A. (2019) “Simulation-based PSHA for the Kathmandu Basin in Nepal”, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), Seoul, South Korea, May 26-30, South Korea, paper no. 344.
[IC.97] Giordano, N., De Luca, F., Sextos, A. & Maskey, P. N., (2019) “Derivation of fragility curves for URM school buildings in Nepal”, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP). South Korea, paper no. 301
[IC.96] Gilder, E.L., De Risi, R., De Luca, F., Vardanega, P., Holcombe, E., Ayoubi, P., Asimaki, D., Pokhrel, R. and Sextos, A. G., (2018) “Optimizing resolution and improvement strategies for emerging geodatabases in developing countries”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.95] Crewe, A., Sextos, A., Stubbes, R., Mylonakis, G., (2018) “Experimental identification of stiffness and ultimate resistance of buried soil-pipe systems”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.94] Sextos, A.G., Bousias, S., Kwon, O.-S., Di Sarno, L., Kaynia, A., Manolis, G., Crewe, A., Furtner, P., Wenzel, H., Iervolino, I., Baltzopoulos, G., Wuttke. P., Koenke, C., Zabel, V., Borsutzky, R., and Deodatis G. (2018) “Exchange-Risk: Experimental and Computational Hybrid Assessment of Natural Gas Pipelines exposed to Seismic Risk”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.93] Mergos, P. and Sextos, A.G. (2018) “Multi-objective optimum selection of ground motion records with genetic algorithms”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.92] Markou, A., Kaynia, A.M., Sextos, A.G., and Manolis, G.D (2018) “Soil-pipe-interaction phenomena on slopes under asynchronous earthquake excitation”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.91] Radu, A., Lazar, I., and Sextos, A.G. (2018) “The assessment and reduction of seismic risk in cable structures”, 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 18-21, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.90] Sextos, A.G., I. Kilanitis (2018) “Methodology, software and policy for optimum seismic resilience of highway networks”, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy, June 25-29, Los Angeles, California.
[IC.89] Psyrras, N., Sextos, A.G., Kwon, O.-S., and S. Gerasimidis (2018) “Safety factors of buried steel natural gas pipelines under spatially variable earthquake ground motion”, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy, June 25-29, Los Angeles, California.
[IC.88] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A.G. and O.-S. Kwon (2018) “A frequency- and intensity-dependent, Lumped Parameter Model for considering SSI effects on seismic bridge design and assessment”, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy, June 25-29, Los Angeles, California.
[IC.87] De Risi, R., Sextos, A.G., Zimmaro, P., Simonelli, A., and J. Stewart (2018) “The 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence: Observations of Incremental Building Damage”, 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering Integrating Science, Engineering & Policy, June 25-29, Los Angeles, California.
[IC.86] Di Sarno, L., Paolacci, F. and A.G. Sextos (2018) “Seismic Performance Assessment of Existing Steel Buildings: A Case Study”, 9th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, 14 – 17 February, Christchurch, New Zealand.
[IC.85] Tsinidis, G., Di Sarno, L., Sextos, A.G., Psyrras, N. and Furtner, P., (2018) “On the numerical simulation of the response of gas pipelines under compression”, Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS), 5-7 December, Hong Kong, China.
[IC.84] Sextos, A.G. (2017) “Real-time multi-hazard risk of interurban highway networks”, International Symposium for New Generation Infrastructure, London, UK.
[IC.83] Boukovalas, G., Psycharis, I., Gantes, C., Sextos, A., Kappos, A. and Mylonakis, G. (2017) “Performance-based design of bridge piers in liquefiable sites with shallow foundation and limited ground improvement”, 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 16-19.
[IC.82] Sextos, A., Kilanitis, I., Kappos, A., Pitsiava, M., Sergiadis, G., Margaris, V., Theodoulidis, N., Mylonakis, G., Panetsos, P. Kyriakou, K. (2017) “Seismic resilience assessment of the western Macedonia highway network in Greece”, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017), M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June.
[IC.81] Lesgidis N., Sextos A. and Kwon O.-S. (2017) “Expansion of the lumped parameter method to non-linear soil-structure interaction dynamic systems by means of multi-objective optimization algorithm”, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017), M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June.
[IC.80] Stewart, J.P., Lanzo, G., Alexander, N., Aversa, S., Bozzoni, F., Castoglia, M., …, A.G. Sextos. …, P. Zimmaro (2017) “Engineering Reconnaisance Following the August 24, 2016 M6.0 Central Italy Earthquake”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January.
[IC.79] Sextos, A.G., Kilanitis, I., Kyriakou, K. and A.J. Kappos (2017) “Resilience of Road Networks to Earthquakes”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January.
[IC.78] Papadopoulos, S.P., Sextos, A.G., Kwon, O.-S., Gerasimidis, S. and G. Deodatis (2017) “Impact of Spatial Variability of Earthquake Ground Motion on Seismic Demand to Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January.
[IC.77] Ioannidis, N., Athanasiou, A., Sextos, A.G. and Manolis, G.D. (2017) “Seismic Evaluation of Critical Mechanical and Piping Components inside a Nuclear Power Plant Containment Building”, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January.
[IC.76] Sextos A.G., Ekonomakis, MM. (2016) “Frequency Dependent Proxies of Soil-Structure Interaction Impact for Typical R/C Buildings”, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, 28-30 June, 2016, Chania, Greece.
[IC.75] Katsanos E.I., Sextos AG. (2016) “Reliable selection of earthquake ground motions for performance-based design”, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, 28-30 June, 2016, Chania, Greece.
[IC.74] Faraonis P., Sextos A.G., Chatzi E., Zabel V. (2015) “Model updating of a bridge-foundation-soil system based on ambient vibration data”, UNCECOMP 2015 – 1st ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, Crete, Greece
[IC.73] Fontara I.-K., Tittle, T., Wuttke, F., Athanatopoulou, A., Manolis, G., Sextos A.G. (2015) “Multiple support excitation of a bridge based on a BEM analysis of the subsoil-structure interaction phenomenon”, COMPDYN 2015 and 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece.
[IC.72] Sextos, A.G., Simopoulos, S., Skoulidou, D. (2015) “Ductility, performance and construction cost of R/C buildings designed to Eurocode 8”, SECED 2015 Conference in Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, 9-10 July 2015, Cambridge UK.
[IC.71] Skandalos, K., Fragiadakis, M., Sextos, A.G. (2015) “Reliability Assessment of Water Networks considering spatially variable seismic ground motion”, SECED 2015 Conference in Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, 9-10 July 2015, Cambridge UK.
[IC.70] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A.G., Kwon, O.-S. (2015) “The influence of soil-foundation frequency dependent behavior on the seismic performance of Bridges”, 15th International Conference on Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering Computing, 1-4 September, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
[IC.69] Bousias, S., Kwon, O.-S., Evangeliou, N., Sextos, A.G. and Taskari, O. (2014) “Implementation issues in distributed hybrid simulation”, 6th World Conference of the International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring (IACSM), Barcelona, Spain.
[IC.68] Sextos, A.G., Psilla, N., Psycharis, I., Kappos, A., Taskari, O., Vassilopoulou, I., Mylona, E.-K., Gantes, C., Boukovalas, G. (2014) “Performance criteria for bridges designed with spread footings on liquefiable soils”, 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey, August 25-29.
[IC.67] Faronis, P., Sextos, A.G., Zabel, V., Wuttke, F. (2014) “Dynamic characteristics of bridge-foundation-soil systems based on laboratory and on-site measurements”, 2nd International Conference on Innovation on Bridges & Soil-Bridge Interaction (IBSBI), October 16 -18, Athens, Greece.
[IC.66] Anagnostopoulos, C., Sextos, A.G., Bikas, D., Stylianidis, K., Angelides, D. & I. Avramidis (2014) “Preserving the Byzantine antiquities while retaining the operability of the Venizelou – Thessaloniki Metro Station: Contribution towards a common consensus”, CESARE’14 International Conference Civil Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience Amman, Jordan, 24-27 April.
[IC.65] Sextos, A.G., Bousias, S., Taskari, O., Evangeliou, N., Elnashai, A., Kwon, O.-S., DiSarno, L. and Palios, X., (2014) “An Intercontinental Hybrid Simulation Experiment For The purpose of Seismic Assessment of a Three-span R/C Bridge”, 10th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Archorage, Alaska, U.S.A.
[IC.64] Sextos, A.G. (2013) “Asynchronous excitation of long bridges considering soil-structure interaction: evidence, ongoing research and design implications”, ICEGE 2013 From case history to practice – in honour of Prof. Ishihara, Istanbul, Turkey.
[IC.63] Mylona, E.-K., & Sextos, A.G. (2013) “Seismic Assessment of Pile – supported Bridges Considering the Rotational Excitation of Earthquake Ground Motion”, 14th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Cagliari (B.H.V. Topping and Ivanyi, P. Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
[IC.62] Taskari, O. N., & Sextos, A.G. (2013) “Robustness, Repeatability and Resilience of Intercontinental Distributed Computing for the purposes of Seismic Assessment of Bridges”, 4th ECCOMMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12-14 June 2013.
[IC.61] Sextos, A.G., & Lesgidis, N. D. (2013) “Bridge-Wizard: Expert system for finite element modeling and post-processing of bridge structures”, 4th ECCOMMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12-14 June 2013.
[IC.60] Papadopoulos, S. P., Lekidis, V., Sextos, A.G., & Karakostas, C. (2013) “Assessment of EC8 procedures for the asynchronous excitation of bridges based on numerical analyses and recorded data”, 4th ECCOMMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, 12-14 June 2013.
[IC.59] Sextos A.G., Nalmpantis S., Faraonis P., Skiada, D., Stylianidis, K. (2013) “Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment through geometrically non-linear back-analysis of Byzantine and Roman Monuments”. 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Chania, Crete, Greece.
[IC.58] Katsanos, E.I., Sextos, A.G., Elnashai, A.S. (2012) “Period Elongation of Nonlinear Systems modeled with Degrading Hysteretic Rules”, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
[IC.57] Taskari, O.N., Sextos, A.G. (2012) “Stiffness and Ultimate Capacity of Typical Abutment- Embankment Systems”, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
[IC.56] Sextos, A.G., (2011) “Information and Communication Technologies in Earthquake Engineering”, 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Greece [published as Computational Technology Reviews, Tsompanakis, Y. and Topping, B.H.V. (Ed.), Vol. 4, pp. 193-224, 2011.
[IC.55] Moschonas, I.F., Kappos, A.J., Sextos, A.G. (2011) “Generalized fragility curves for straight bridges, for arbitrary angle of incidence of the seismic action, including soil-bridge interaction”, Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction (IBSBI), Athens, October 13-15.
[IC.54] Sextos, A.G., Kilanitis, I., Moschonas, I.F., (2011) “Effect of isolation bearing modelling on the seismic fragility of bridges”, Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction (IBSBI), Athens, October 13-15.
[IC.53] Papadopoulos, S.P., Sextos, A.G. (2011) “On the excitation of higher modes of long bridges due to spatial variability of earthquake ground motion”, Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction (IBSBI), Athens, October 13-15.
[IC.52] Sextos, A.G., (2011) “Information Technologies in Structural Engineering: A paperless course”, EUCEET, New Trends and Challenges in Civil Engineering Education, Patras, November, 24-25.
[IC.51] Karakostas, C., Sextos, A.G., Lekidis, V., & Papadopoulos, S. (2011) “Investigation of the dynamic response of the Evripos cable-stayed bridge in Greece, under asynchronous ground motion records”, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Corfu, Greece.
[IC.50] Sextos, A.G., Mylona, E.-K., Mylonakis, G., (2011) “A computational framework for the assessment of earthquake-induced rocking in CIDH pile supported bridges”, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Corfu, Greece.
[IC.49] Sextos, A.G., Balafas, G.K., (2011) “Using the new SAP2000 Open Application Programming Interface to develop an interactive front-end for the modal pushover analysis of bridges”, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Corfu, Greece.
[IC.48] Sextos, A.G., Faraonis, P., Papadimitriou, C., Panetsos, P., (2011) “System identification of a R/C bridge based on ambient vibrations and 3D numerical simulations of the entire soil-structure system”, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Corfu, Greece.
[IC.47] Katsanos, E.I., Sextos, A.G., Notopoulos, T., (2011) “ISSARS : An integrated systems for structural analysis and record selections”, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Corfu, Greece.
[IC.46] Sextos, A.G., Stylianidis, K. and Mykoniou, K. (2010) “Sensitivity of the Seismic Response of Long Medieval Walls to Earthquake and Material Uncertainty”, 7th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2010), Oct. 6-8, 2010, Shanghai, China.
[IC.45] Sextos, A.G., Faraonis, P., & Katsanos, E. (2010) “Impact of modelling assumptions for assessing the seismic response of twin bridges considering soil-structure interaction in 3D space”, 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Engineerinng: Reaching Beyond Borders, Toronto, 24-29 July.
[IC.44] Manos, G., Sextos, A., Mitoulis, S., & Geraki, M. (2010) “Software for the preliminary design of seismically isolated R/C highway overpass bridges”, 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering: Reaching Beyond Borders, Toronto, 24-29 July.
[IC.43] Kappos, A. J., Panagopoulos, G., Sextos, A.G., Papanikolaou, V. K., Stylianidis, K., Kouris, L., et al. (2010) “Development of earthquake loss scenarios for two Mediterranean cities”, 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Engineering: Reaching Beyond Borders, Toronto, 24-29 July.
[IC.42] Stylianidis, C., Sextos, A.G. and K. Stylianidis (2009) “Seismic response of the 35m high masonry chimney of the Allatini complex”, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Rhodes, Greece.
[IC.41] Sextos, A.G., Katsanos, E., Georgiou, A. and G. Manolis (2009) “EC8-based selection and scaling of accelerograms for assessment of the response of a 5-story, irregular R/C building”, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Rhodes, Greece.
[IC.40] Kappos, A.J., Goutzika, E. and A.G. Sextos (2009) “Seismic assessment of an overpass bridge with a torsional fundamental mode”, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN), Rhodes, Greece.
[IC.39] Kwon, O.-S., Sextos, A.G. and Elnashai, A. (2009) “Seismic Fragility of a bridge on liquefaction susceptible soil”, 10th International Conference on Seismic Safety and Reliability, 13-17 September, Osaka, Japan.
[IC.38] Sextos, A.G. (2009) “Few thoughts on the numerical simulation of soil, structure and earthquake input”, Proceedings, Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering at the Centre for Scientific Culture of the University of Naples Federico II, Anacapri, Italy.
[IC.37] Manos, G., Kourtides, V., Sextos, A.G. (2008) “Model bridge pier-foundation-soil interaction implementing in-situ/shear stack testing and numerical simulation”, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
[IC.36] Manos, G., Sextos, A.G., Mitoulis, S., Kourtides, V., Geraki. M. (2008) “Tests and improvement of bridge elastomeric bearings and software development for their preliminary design”, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
[IC.35] Sextos, A.G., Taskari, O. (2008) “Comparative assessment of advanced computational tools for embankment-abutment-bridge superstructure interaction”, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
[IC.34] Sextos, A.G., Mackie, K., Stojadinovic, B., Taskari, O. (2008) “Simplified P-y relationships for modelling embankment abutment systems of typical California bridges”, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
[IC.33] Kwon, O.S., Sextos, A.G. and Elnashai, A. (2008) “Liquefaction-dependent fragility relationships of complex bridge-foundation-soil systems”, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation, Jakarta, Indonesia, 14-15 April.
[IC.32] Stylianidis, K. and Sextos, A.G. (2008) “Estimation of the Seismic History of the City of Thessaloniki through back analysis of its Byzantine Land Walls”, 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, Bath, U.K., 2-4 July.
[IC.31] Taskari, O., Sextos, A.G. and Kappos, A.J. (2008) “3D finite element modeling of a highway bridge considering the effect of soil and foundation”, 6th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Thessaloniki, 19-21 June.
[IC.30] Manos,G., Mitoulis, S., Kourtidis, V., Sextos, A.G. and I. Tegos (2007) “Study of the behaviour of steel laminated rubber bearings under prescribed loads”, 10th World Conf. on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibrations Control of Structures, Istanbul, Turkey, May 28-31.
[IC.29] Sextos, A.G. and Stylianidis, K. (2007) “Seismic performance of the 4th Century A.D., Byzantine Land Walls of the city of Thessaloniki, Greece”, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.28] Sextos, A.G., Di Sarno, L. and Katsanos, E. (2007) “Assessment of soil-structure interaction effects on the earthquake response of steel high-rise, moment resisting buildings”, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, June, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.27] Manos, G.C., Kourtidis, V., Sextos, A.G., Renault, P. And Chiras, S. (2007) “Study of the dynamic soil-structure interaction of a bridge pier model based on structure and soil measurements”, 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Canada, 1586-1599.
[IC.26] Kappos, A., Potikas, P. and Sextos, A.G. (2007) “Seismic assessment of an overpass bridge accounting for non-linear material and soil response and varying boundary conditions”, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2007.
[IC.25] Sextos, A.G., & Katsanos. E. (2007) “Knowledge-Based Expert System for the design of R/C buildings considering soil-structure-interaction effects”, Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2007, paper no: 1036.
[IC.24] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and Kollias, V. (2006) “Computing a ‘reasonable’ spatially variable earthquake input for extended bridge structures”, 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, paper no: 1601.
[IC.23] Kappos, A., Moschonas, J., Paraskeva, T. and Sextos, A.G. (2006) “A methodology for derivation of seismic fragility curves for bridges with the aid of advanced analysis tools”, 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, paper no: 275.
[IC.22] Manos, G.C., Kourtides, V., Sextos, A.G., Renault, P., Chiras, S. and Soulis, V. (2006) “’Dynamic Response of a bridge pier model at the Volvi-Greece European Test Site including soil flexibility”, 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, paper no: 197.
[IC.21] Mitoulis, S., Tegos, I. and Sextos, A.G. (2006) “An alternative proposal for a “movable” abutment for integral bridges”, 1st European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, paper no: 1377.
[IC.20] Manos, G., Kourtidis, V., Sextos, A.G., Renault, P. and Soulis, V., (2006) “Dynamic and Seismic behaviour of Model Structures at the European Test Site”, 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton, U.K., 17-19 July.
[IC.19] Manos, G.C., Kourtides, V., Soulis, V., Sextos, A.G. and Renault, P. (2006) “Study of the dynamic response of a bridge pier model structure at the Volvi – Greece European Test Site”, 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA.
[IC.18] Kirtas, E., Rovithis, E., Pitilakis, K. and Sextos, A.G. (2006) “Numerical Investigation of potential foundation intervention as a means for mitigating seismic risk”, 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18-22 April 2006, San Francisco, California, U.S.
[IC.17] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and Stylianidis, K. (2006) “Development of a GIS-oriented database for the Pre- and Post earthquake assessment of buildings”, 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18-22 April 2006, San Francisco, California, U.S.
[IC.16] Sextos, A.G. (2005) “A computer interface for the asynchronous seismic excitation of bridges simulated in ANSYS”, 23rd CADFEM User’s meeting, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFx& ICEM CFD Conference, Bonn, Germany, Paper No. 1.2.12.
[IC.15] Sextos, A.G. and Kappos, A.J. (2005) “Evaluation of the new Eurocode 8-Part 2 Provisions regarding asynchronous excitation of irregular bridges”, 4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Greece.
[IC.14] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and Pitilakis, K. (2005) “Recent developments on the effect of asynchronous earthquake excitation on the dynamic response of soil-foundation-superstructure bridge systems”, 1st Greece – Japan Workshop: Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations, Athens.
[IC.13] Penelis, G., Penelis, Gr. and Sextos, A.G. (2005) “Evaluation of the observed damage and rehabilitation study of two underground R/C biological treatment tanks”, 1st Greece – Japan Workshop: Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations, Athens.
[IC.12] Tegos, I., Sextos, A.G., Mitoulis, S, and Tsitotas, M. (2005) “Contribution to the improvement of the seismic performance of Integral Bridges”, 4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Paper No. 38.
[IC.11] Sextos, A.G., Pitilakis, K. Kirtas, E. and Fotaki, V. (2005) “A refined computational framework for the assessment of the inelastic response of an irregular building that was damaged during the Lefkada earthquake”, 4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Paper No. 06.
[IC.10] Kappos, A., Paraskeva, T. and Sextos, A.G. (2005) “Modal Pushover Analysis as a means for the seismic assessment of bridge structures” 4th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Thessaloniki, Paper No. 49.
[IC.09] Manos, G.C., Renault, P. and Sextos, A.G. (2005) “Investigation of the interaction between neighbouring model structures at the Euroseis-Test site”, 6th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Eurodyn 2005, Paris, II, 1297-1302.
[IC.08] Manos, G., Kourtidis, V., Soulis, V., Sextos, A.G., Renault, P. and Yassin, B. (2005) “Numerical and experimental soil-structure-interaction of a bridge pier model at the Volvi-Greece European Test Site”, 6th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Eurodyn 2005, Paris, II, 1335-1340.
[IC.07] Kappos, A., Paraskeva, T. and Sextos, A.G. (2004) “Seismic assessment of a major bridge using modal pushover analysis and dynamic time-history analysis”, International Conference on the Advances in Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Madeira, Portugal, 673-680 (keynote lecture).
[IC.06] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and Mergos P. (2004) “Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction and Spatial Variability of Ground Motion on Irregular Bridges: The Case of the Krystallopigi Bridge”, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, August 2004, Paper No. 2298.
[IC.05] Pitilakis, K., Kirtas, E., Sextos, A.G., Bolton, M., Madabhushi, G. , Brennan, A. (2004) “Validation by centrifuge testing of numerical simulations for Soil-Foundation-Structure systems”, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, August 2004.
[IC.04] Mergos, P., Sextos, A.G. and Kappos, A. (2003) “Seismic assessment of a major bridge using pushover analysis”, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, keynote lecture, Corfu July 2003.
[IC.03] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and Pitilakis, K. (2003) “Seismic Response of long R/C bridges: Effect of coupled ground motion variability and soil-foundation interaction”, FIB Symposium on Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions, Athens, May 2003.
[IC.02] Pitilakis, K., Sextos, A.G. & Kappos, A. (2002) “A critical review of the role of spatial variability of ground motion, site conditions and soil-structure interaction in bridge engineering”, Proceedings of the Fourth Forum on Implications of Recent Earthquakes on Seismic Risk, Technical Report TIT/EERG 02-1, Tokyo, Japan, May 27-29, 205-217 (invited lecture).
[IC.01] Sextos, A.G., Kappos, A. and K. Pitilakis (2002) “Effect of analysis complexity on the calculated ductility demand of RC bridges”, 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, U.K., 7-13 September, paper 653.
Conference Papers