Journal Papers
[J.103] Skandalos, K., Sextos, A.G., Tesfamariam, S. (2023) “Displacement-based design and seismic performance assessment of friction-dissipating light-timber frames coupled with a self-centering CLT wall”, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 38(5).
[J.102] Baker, J. W., Crowley, H., Wald, D., Rathje, E., Au, S. K., Bradley, B. A., Burton, H., Cabas, A., Cattari, S., Cauzzi, C., Cavalieri, F., Contreras, S., Costa, R., Eguchi, R. T., Lallemant, D., Lignos, D. G., Maurer, B. W., Molina Hutt, C., Sextos, A. G., … Thompson, E. M. (2024). Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research. Earthquake Spectra.
[J.101] Agarwal, J., Parajuli, R., Xanthou, M., Sextos, A.G. (2023) “Safer and Resilient Schools in Seismic Regions: A Systems Perspective”, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems.
[J.100] Liu, Z., Guoc, A., Zhaoa, C. and A. G. Sextos (2023) Seismic Response of Bridges employing Knowledge-Enhanced Neural Networks for the Lumped Plasticity Modelling of RC Piers, Bulleting of Earthquake Engineering.
[J.99] Sezer, Υ.Μ., Diambra, Α., Ge, Β., Dietz, Μ., Αlexander, Ν., Sextos, A.G., (2023) “Experimental determination of friction at the interface of a sand-based, seismically isolated foundation”, Acta Mechanica.
[J.98] Chen, P.-Y., Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A. G., & Taciroglu, E. (2023). A Method for automated development of model and fragility inventories of nonductile reinforced concrete buildings. Resilient Cities and Structures, 2(3), 87–103.
[J.97] Luo, S., Huang, Z., Asia, Y., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., Harkness, J., le Pen, L., Watson, G., Milne, D., Chapman, D., Sextos, A. G., Metje, N., Mylonakis, G., Cassidy, N., Jefferson, I., Smethurst, J., Richards, D., Taylor, C., Powrie, W., & Rogers, C. (2023). Physical and numerical investigation of integral bridge abutment stiffness due to seasonal thermal loading. Transportation Geotechnics, 101064.
[J.96] Aminulai, H. O., Baiguera, M., Crump, D. A., Sextos, A. G., & Kashani, M. M. (2023). Experimental qualification of seismic strengthening of URM buildings in Nepal. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 173, 108130.
[J.95] di Michele, F., Spacone, E., Camata, G., Brando, G., Sextos, A. G., Crewe, A., Mylonakis, G., Diez, M., Dihoru, L., & Varum, H. (2023). Shaking table test and numerical analyses of a full scale three-leaf masonry wall. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 21(10), 5041–5081.
[J.94] Giarlelis, C., Repapis, C., Lamprinou, E., Mylonakis, G., Manolis, G., & Sextos, A. G. (2023). Seismic performance and SSI effects of a two-storey RC school building during the 2014 Cephalonia, Greece, earthquake sequence. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 21(9), 4643–4667.
[J.93] Zhang, Z., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2023). Multi‐hazard fragility assessment of monopile offshore wind turbines under earthquake, wind and wave loads. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(9), 2658–2681.
[J.92] Makrakis, N., Psarropoulos, P. N., Sextos, A. G., & Tsompanakis, Y. (2023). Do soft soil layers reduce the seismic kinematic distress of onshore high-pressure gas pipelines? Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
[J.91] de Leeuw, L. W., Diambra, A., Kwon, O.-S., & Sextos, A. G. (2022). Modulating pipe-soil interface friction to influence HPHT offshore pipeline buckling. Ocean Engineering, 266, 112713.
[J.90] Feng, R., Papadopoulos, S. P., Yuan, W., & Sextos, A. G. (2022). Loss estimation of curved bridges considering the incidence angle and spatial variability of earthquake ground motion. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 163, 107523.
[J.89] Ji, D., Katsanos, E. I., Trevlopoulos, K., & Sextos, A. G. (2022). Decoupled Fourier Amplitude spectrum to identify the inelastic dynamic characteristics of structures under earthquake loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162, 107462.
[J.88] Liu, Z., Sextos, A., Guo, A., & Zhao, W. (2022). ANN-based rapid seismic fragility analysis for multi-span concrete bridges. Structures, 41, 804–817.
[J.87] Mavroulis, S., Ilgac, M., Tunçağ, M., Lekkas, E., Püskülcü, S., Kourou, A., Sextos, A. G., Mavrouli, M., Can, G., Thoma, T., Manousaki, M., & Karveleas, N. (2022). Emergency response, intervention, and societal recovery in Greece and Turkey after the 30th October 2020, MW = 7.0, Samos (Aegean Sea) earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(14), 7933–7955.
[J.86] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., Sextos, A. G., & Pelekis, P. (2022). Improved correlation between foundation and free‐field ground motions through strong motion recordings and kinematic soil–structure interaction analyses. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 51(4), 725–743.
[J.85] Luo, S., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., le Pen, L., Watson, G., Milne, D., Chapman, D., Sextos, A. G., Cassidy, N., Jefferson, I., Metje, N., Smethurst, J., Richards, D., Mylonakis, G., Taylor, C., Powrie, W., & Rogers, C. D. F. (2022). Challenges and perspectives for integral bridges in the UK: PLEXUS small-scale experiments. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 175(1), 27–43.
[J.84] Cetin, K.-O., Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A. G., & Stewart, J. P. (2022). Reconnaissance of 2020 M 7.0 Samos Island (Aegean Sea) earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(14), 7707–7712.
[J.83] Pokhrel, R. M., Gilder, C. E. L., Vardanega, P. J., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., Werner, M. J., & Sextos, A. G. (2022). Liquefaction potential for the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a sensitivity study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(1), 25–51.
[J.82] Feng, R., Yuan, W., & Sextos, A.G. (2021). Probabilistic loss assessment of curved bridges considering the effect of ground motion directionality. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(13), 3623–3645.
[J.81] Tsiavos, A., Sextos, A. G., Stavridis, A., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., & Alexander, N. A. (2021). Experimental investigation of a highly efficient, low-cost PVC-Rollers Sandwich (PVC-RS) seismic isolation. Structures, 33, 1590–1602.
[J.80] Tsiavos, A., Sextos, A. G., Stavridis, A., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., di Michele, F., & Alexander, N. A. (2021). Low-cost hybrid design of masonry structures for developing countries: Shaking table tests. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 146, 106675.
[J.79] Vassiliou, M. F., Cengiz, C., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., Broccardo, M., Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A. G., & Stojadinovic, B. (2021). Data set from shake table tests of free-standing rocking bodies. Earthquake Spectra, 37(4), 2971–2987.
[J.78] Freddi, F., Galasso, C., Cremen, G., Dall’Asta, A., di Sarno, L., Giaralis, A., Gutiérrez-Urzúa, F., Málaga-Chuquitaype, C., Mitoulis, S. A., Petrone, C., Sextos, A. G., Sousa, L., Tarbali, K., Tubaldi, E., Wardman, J., & Woo, G. (2021). Innovations in earthquake risk reduction for resilience: Recent advances and challenges. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60, 102267.
[J.77] Sotiriadis, D., Margaris, B., Klimis, N., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Implications of high-frequency decay parameter, “κ-kappa”, in the estimation of kinematic soil-structure interaction effects. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 144, 106665.
[J.76] Giordano, N., Norris, A., Manandhar, V., Shrestha, L., Paudel, D. R., Quinn, N., Rees, E., Shrestha, H., Marasini, N. P., Prajapati, R., Guragain, R., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Financial assessment of incremental seismic retrofitting of Nepali stone-masonry buildings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60, 102297.
[J.75] Vassiliou, M. F., Cengiz, C., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., Broccardo, M., Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A. G., & Stojadinovic, B. (2021). Dataset from the shake table tests of a rocking podium structure. Earthquake Spectra, 37(3), 2107–2125.
[J.74] Fiorentino, G., Cengiz, C., de Luca, F., Mylonakis, G., Karamitros, D., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., Lavorato, D., Briseghella, B., Isakovic, T., Vrettos, C., Topa Gomes, A., Sextos, A. G., & Nuti, C. (2021). Integral abutment bridges: Investigation of seismic soil‐structure interaction effects by shaking table testing. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(6), 1517–1538.
[J.73] Vassiliou, M. F., Broccardo, M., Cengiz, C., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., Gunay, S., Mosalam, K. M., Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A. G., & Stojadinovic, B. (2021). Shake table testing of a rocking podium: Results of a blind prediction contest. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(4), 1043–1062.
[J.72] Ali, A., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Seismic assessment of wind turbines: How crucial is rotor-nacelle-assembly numerical modeling? Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 141, 106483.
[J.71] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Analytical fragility curves for masonry school building portfolios in Nepal. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19(2), 1121–1150.
[J.70] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., Sextos, A. G., Ramirez Cortes, F., Fonseca Ferreira, C., & Wu, J. (2021). Empirical seismic fragility models for Nepalese school buildings. Natural Hazards, 105(1), 339–362.
[J.69] Zhang, Z., Park, J., Kwon, O.-S., Sextos, A. G., Strepelias, E., Stathas, N., & Bousias, S. (2021). Hybrid Simulation of Structure-Pipe-Structure Interaction within a Gas Processing Plant. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 12(2).
[J.68] Tsiavos, A., Haladij, P., Sextos, A. G., & Alexander, N. A. (2020). Analytical investigation of the effect of a deformable sliding layer on the dynamic response of seismically isolated structures. Structures, 27, 2426–2436.
[J.67] Ali, A., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Finite element modeling optimization of wind turbine blades from an earthquake engineering perspective. Engineering Structures, 222, 111105.
[J.66] Radu, A., Lazar, I. F., Neild, S. A., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Risk assessment of cables vibration-suppressed with tuned-inerter dampers. Engineering Structures, 222, 111127.
[J.65] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Analytical expressions relating free-field and foundation ground motions in buildings with basement, considering soil-structure interaction. Engineering Structures, 216(available online), 110757.
[J.64] Feng, R., Deng, T., Lao, T., Sextos, A. G., & Yuan, W. (2020). Theory and experimental verification of a resultant response-based method for assessing the critical seismic excitation direction of curved bridges. Engineering Structures, 216, 110713.
[J.63] Tsiavos, A., Sextos, A., Stavridis, A., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., & Alexander, N. A. (2020). Large-scale experimental investigation of a low-cost PVC ‘sand-wich’ (PVC-s) seismic isolation for developing countries. Earthquake Spectra, 36(4), 1886–1911.
[J.62] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A. G., Moschen, L., Gutierrez Gomez, J. S., & Pistone, E. (2020). Rigorous vehicle-soil-track simulation of high-speed rail through optimization-based model order reduction. Transportation Geotechnics, 23(September 2019), 100350.
[J.61] Tsinidis, G., di Sarno, L., Sextos, A. G., & Furtner, P. (2020). Optimal intensity measures for the structural assessment of buried steel natural gas pipelines due to seismically-induced axial compression at geotechnical discontinuities. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 131, 106030.
[J.60] Papadopoulos, S. P., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Simplified design of bridges for multiple-support earthquake excitation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 131, 106013.
[J.59] Gilder, C. E. L., Pokhrel, R. M., Vardanega, P. J., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., Werner, M. J., Asimaki, D., Maskey, P. N., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). The SAFER geodatabase for the Kathmandu Valley: Geotechnical and geological variability. Earthquake Spectra, 36(3), 1549–1569.
[J.58] Psyrras, N., Sextos, A. G., Crewe, A., Dietz, M., & Mylonakis, G. (2020). Physical Modeling of the Seismic Response of Gas Pipelines in Laterally Inhomogeneous Soil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(5).
J.57] Tsinidis, G., di Sarno, L., Sextos, A., & Furtner, P. (2020). Seismic fragility of buried steel natural gas pipelines due to axial compression at geotechnical discontinuities. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 18(3), 837–906.
[J.56] Ali, A., de Risi, R., Sextos, A. G., Goda, K., & Chang, Z. (2020). Seismic vulnerability of offshore wind turbines to pulse and non‐pulse records. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(1), 24–50.
[J.55] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Out-of-plane closed-form solution for the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry schools in Nepal. Engineering Structures, 203, 109548.
[J.54] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Influence of structure–foundation–soil interaction on ground motions recorded within buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(11), 5867–5895.
[J.53] Tsinidis, G., di Sarno, L., Sextos, A., & Furtner, P. (2019). A critical review on the vulnerability assessment of natural gas pipelines subjected to seismic wave propagation. Part 2: Pipe analysis aspects. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 92, 103056.
[J.52] Tsiavos, A., Alexander, N. A., Diambra, A., Ibraim, E., Vardanega, P. J., Gonzalez-Buelga, A., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). A sand-rubber deformable granular layer as a low-cost seismic isolation strategy in developing countries: Experimental investigation. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 125, 105731.
[J.51] Mergos, P. E., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Selection of earthquake ground motions for multiple objectives using genetic algorithms. Engineering Structures, 187, 414–427.
[J.50] Tsinidis, G., di Sarno, L., Sextos, A., & Furtner, P. (2019). A critical review on the vulnerability assessment of natural gas pipelines subjected to seismic wave propagation. Part 1: Fragility relations and implemented seismic intensity measures. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 86, 279–296.
[J.49] Psyrras, N. K., Kwon, O., Gerasimidis, S., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Can a buried gas pipeline experience local buckling during earthquake ground shaking? Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 116, 511–529.
[J.48] Stewart, J. P., Zimmaro, P., Lanzo, G., Mazzoni, S., Ausilio, E., Aversa, S., Bozzoni, F., Cairo, R., Capatti, M.-C., Castiglia, M., Chiabrando, F., Chiaradonna, A., d’Onofrio, A., Dashti, S., de Risi, R., de Silva, F., della Pasqua, F., Dezi, F., di Domenica, A., … Tropeano, G. (2018). Reconnaissance of 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34(4), 1547–1555.
[J.47] Kilanitis, I., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Impact of earthquake-induced bridge damage and time evolving traffic demand on the road network resilience. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 6(1), 35–48.
[J.46] Faraonis, P., Sextos, A. G., Papadimitriou, C., Chatzi, E., & Panetsos, P. (2019). Implications of subsoil-foundation modelling on the dynamic characteristics of a monitored bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15(2), 180–192.
[J.45] Kilanitis, I., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Integrated seismic risk and resilience assessment of roadway networks in earthquake prone areas. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(1), 181–210.
[J.44] Papadopoulos, S. P., & Sextos, A. G. (2018). Anti-symmetric mode excitation and seismic response of base-isolated bridges under asynchronous input motion. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 113.
[J.43] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A., & Kwon, O.-S. (2018). A frequency-dependent and intensity-dependent macroelement for reduced order seismic analysis of soil-structure interacting systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(11), 2172–2194.
[J.42] * Sextos, A. G., de Risi, R., Pagliaroli, A., Foti, S., Passeri, F., Ausilio, E., Cairo, R., Capatti, M.-C., Chiabrando, F., Chiaradonna, A., Dashti, S., de Silva, F., Dezi, F., Durante, M.-G., Giallini, S., Lanzo, G., Sica, S., Simonelli, A.-L., & Zimmaro, P. (2018). Local Site Effects and Incremental Damage of Buildings during the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34(4), 1639–1669.
[J.41] de Risi, R., de Luca, F., Kwon, O.-S., & Sextos, A.G. (2018). Scenario-Based Seismic Risk Assessment for Buried Transmission Gas Pipelines at Regional Scale. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 9(4).
[J.40] Psyrras, N. K., & Sextos, A. G. (2018). Safety of buried steel natural gas pipelines under earthquake-induced ground shaking: A review. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 106, 254–277.
[J.39] Psyrras, N. K., & Sextos, A. G. (2018). Build-X: Expert system for seismic analysis and assessment of 3D buildings using OpenSees. Advances in Engineering Software, 116, 23–35.
[J.38] Katsanos, E. I., & Sextos, A. G. (2018). Structure-specific selection of earthquake ground motions for the reliable design and assessment of structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16(2), 583–611.
[J.37] Stefanidou, S. P., Sextos, A. G., Kotsoglou, A. N., Lesgidis, N., & Kappos, A. J. (2017). Soil-structure interaction effects in analysis of seismic fragility of bridges using an intensity-based ground motion selection procedure. Engineering Structures, 151, 366–380.
[J.36] Bousias, S., Sextos, A. G., Kwon, O.-S., Taskari, O., Elnashai, A., Evangeliou, N., & di Sarno, L. (2019). Intercontinental Hybrid Simulation for the Assessment of a Three-Span R/C Highway Overpass. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 23(7), 1194–1215.
[J.35] Mylona, E.-K. V., Sextos, A. G., & Mylonakis, G. E. (2017). Rotational seismic excitation effects on CIDH pile-supported bridge piers. Engineering Structures, 138, 181–194.
[J.34] Sextos, A. G., Manolis, G. D., Ioannidis, N., & Athanasiou, A. (2017). Seismically induced uplift effects on nuclear power plants. Part 2: Demand on internal equipment. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 318, 288–296.
[J.33] Sextos, A. G., Manolis, G. D., Athanasiou, A., & Ioannidis, N. (2017). Seismically induced uplift effects on nuclear power plants. Part 1: Containment building rocking spectra. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 318, 276–287.
[J.32] Anagnostopoulos, C., Sextos, A. G., Bikas, D., Stylianidis, K., Angelides, D., Avramidis, I., & Kyrkopoulou, K. (2017). Alternative Solutions to Preserve the Revealed Byzantine Antiquities at the Venizelou Metro Station of Thessaloniki. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 11(4), 539–553.
[J.31] Pappas, A., Sextos, A. G., da Porto, F., & Modena, C. (2017). Efficiency of alternative intensity measures for the seismic assessment of monolithic free-standing columns. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(4), 1635–1659.
[J.30] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A. G., & Kwon, O.-S. (2017). Influence of frequency-dependent soil-structure interaction on the fragility of R/C bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(1), 139–158.
[J.29] Sextos, A. G., Faraonis, P., Zabel, V., Wuttke, F., Arndt, T., & Panetsos, P. (2016). Soil–Bridge System Stiffness Identification through Field and Laboratory Measurements. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(10).
[J.28] Papanikolaou, V. K., & Sextos, A. G. (2016). Design charts for rectangular R/C columns under biaxial bending: A historical review toward a Eurocode-2 compliant update. Engineering Structures, 115, 196–206.
[J.27] Taskari, O., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). Multi-angle, multi-damage fragility curves for seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(13), 2281–2301.
[J.26] Lesgidis, N., Kwon, O.-S., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). A time-domain seismic SSI analysis method for inelastic bridge structures through the use of a frequency-dependent lumped parameter model. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(13), 2137–2156.
[J.25] Sextos, A. G., Mylonakis, G. E., & Mylona, E.-K. (2015). Rotational excitation of bridges supported on pile groups in soft or liquefiable soil deposits. Computers & Structures, 155, 54–66.
[J.24] Taskari, O., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). Probabilistic Assessment of Abutment-Embankment Stiffness and Implications in the Predicted Performance of Short Bridges. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 19(5), 822–846.
[J.23] Katsanos, E. I., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). Inelastic spectra to predict period elongation of structures under earthquake loading. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(11), 1765–1782.
[J.22] Banerjee, R. J., Barratta, A., Barros, R. C., Izzuddin, B. A., Macorini, L., Náprstek, J., Sextos, A. G., Iványi, P., & Topping, B. H. V. (2015). Editorial. Computers & Structures, 155, 1–2.
[J.21] Sextos, A. G., Karakostas, C., Lekidis, V., & Papadopoulos, S. (2015). Multiple support seismic excitation of the Evripos bridge based on free-field and on-structure recordings. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(11), 1510–1523.
[J.20] Manos, G. C., Pitilakis, K. D., Sextos, A. G., Kourtides, V., Soulis, V., & Thauampteh, J. (2015). Field Experiments for Monitoring the Dynamic Soil–Structure–Foundation Response of a Bridge-Pier Model Structure at a Test Site. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(1).
[J.19] Katsanos, E. I., Sextos, A. G., & Elnashai, A. S. (2014). Prediction of inelastic response periods of buildings based on intensity measures and analytical model parameters. Engineering Structures, 71, 161–177.
[J.18] Sextos, A. G. (2014). ICT Applications for New Generation Seismic Design, Construction and Assessment of Bridges. Structural Engineering International, 24(2), 173–183.
[J.17] Skrekas, P., Sextos, A. G., & Giaralis, A. (2014). Influence of bi-directional seismic pounding on the inelastic demand distribution of three adjacent multi-storey R/C buildings. Earthquakes and Structures, 6(1), 71–87.
[J.16] Sextos, A. G. (2014). A paperless course on structural engineering programming: investing in educational technology in the times of the Greek financial recession. European Journal of Engineering Education, 39(1), 18–30.
[J.15] Katsanos, E. I., & Sextos, A. G. (2013). ISSARS: An integrated software environment for structure-specific earthquake ground motion selection. Advances in Engineering Software, 58, 70–85.
[J.14] Salonikios, T. N., Sextos, A. G., & Kappos, A. J. (2012). Tests on composite slabs and evaluation of relevant Eurocode 4 provisions. Steel & Composite Structures, 13(6), 571–586.
[J.13] Manos, G. C., Mitoulis, S. A., & Sextos, A. G. (2012). A knowledge-based software for the preliminary design of seismically isolated bridges. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 10(3), 1029–1047.
[J.12] Katsanos, E. I., Taskari, O. N., & Sextos, A. G. (2014). A matlab-based educational tool for the seismic design of flexibly supported RC buildings. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 22(3), 442–451.
[J.11] Sextos, A. G., Katsanos, E. I., & Manolis, G. D. (2011). EC8-based earthquake record selection procedure evaluation: Validation study based on observed damage of an irregular R/C building. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31(4), 583–597.
[J.10] Kappos, A. J., Panagopoulos, G. K., Sextos, A. G., Papanikolaou, V. K., & Stylianidis, K. C. (2010). Development of comprehensive earthquake loss scenarios for a Greek and a Turkish city – structural aspects. Earthquakes and Structures, 1(2), 197–214.
[J.09] * Katsanos, E. I., Sextos, A. G., & Manolis, G. D. (2010). Selection of earthquake ground motion records: A state-of-the-art review from a structural engineering perspective. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30(4), 157–169.
[J.08] Stylianidis, K.-A., & Sextos, A. G. (2009). Back Analysis of Thessaloniki Byzantine Land Walls as a Means to Assess its Seismic History. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 3(4), 339–361.
[J.07] Sextos, A. G., & Kappos, A. J. (2009). Evaluation of seismic response of bridges under asynchronous excitation and comparisons with Eurocode 8-2 provisions. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 7(2), 519–545.
[J.06] Burdette, N. J., Elnashai, A. S., Lupoi, A., & Sextos, A. G. (2008). Effect of Asynchronous Earthquake Motion on Complex Bridges. I: Methodology and Input Motion. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 13(2), 158–165.
[J.05] Sextos, A. G., Kappos, A. J., & Stylianidis, K. C. (2007). Computer-Aided Pre- and Post-Earthquake Assessment of Buildings Involving Database Compilation, GIS Visualization, and Mobile Data Transmission. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 23(1), 59–73.
[J.04] Paraskeva, T. S., Kappos, A. J., & Sextos, A. G. (2006). Extension of modal pushover analysis to seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 35(10), 1269–1293.
[J.03] Sextos, A. G., Kappos, A. J., & Pitilakis, K. D. (2003). Inelastic dynamic analysis of RC bridges accounting for spatial variability of ground motion, site effects and soil-structure interaction phenomena. Part 2: Parametric study. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 32(4), 629–652.
[J.02] Sextos, A. G., Pitilakis, K. D., & Kappos, A. J. (2003). Inelastic dynamic analysis of RC bridges accounting for spatial variability of ground motion, site effects and soil-structure interaction phenomena. Part 1: Methodology and analytical tools. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 32(4), 607–627.
[J.01] Kappos, A. J., & Sextos, A. G. (2001). Effect of Foundation Type and Compliance on Seismic Response of RC Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 6(2), 120–130.
Journal Papers