Current and Former Research students

Yussuf Murat Sezer
Currently PhD candidate, co-advised with Prof. Nick Alexander and Prof. A. Diambra

Dr. Elli-Konstantina Mylona
Currently Research Associate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Rotational seismic excitation effects on CIDH pile-supported bridge piers

Dr. Ziliang Zhang
Currently Research Associate, University of Southampton, UK
Hybrid Simulation of Structure-Pipe-Structure Interaction within a Gas Processing Plant

Dr. Ahmer Ali
Currently Design Engineer, Ramboll, UK
Seismic Vulnerability of Offshore Wind Turbines to Pulse and Non-Pulse Records

Dr. Nikolaos Psyrras
Currently Senior Data Scientist, Financial Conduct Authority, UK
Physical modeling of the seismic response of gas pipelines in laterally inhomogeneous soil

Dr. Nikolaos Lesgidis
Currently Lead Software Engineer, Deep Excavation LLC, USA

Dr. Ioannis Kilanitis
Currently Post-Doctoral Researcher, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Integrated seismic risk and resilience assessment of roadway networks in earthquake prone areas

Dr. Olympia Taskari
Currently Director, Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Delta
Multi‐angle, multi‐damage fragility curves for seismic assessment of bridges

Dr. Vaggelis Katsanos
Currently Assoc. Professor, Technical University of Denmark
Postdoctoral collaborators

Dr. Borui Ye
Currently Research Associate, LASSIE project

Dr. Yichen Zhang
Currently Research Associate, LASSIE project

Dr. Tansu Gokce
Currently Senior Research Associate, ERIES project
Seismic response prediction using intensity measures: Graphite nuclear reactor core model case study

Dr. Gabriele Fiorentino
Currently Researcher, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

Dr. Anastasios Tsiavos
Currently Lecturer, ETH, Switzerland

Dr. Rishi Parajuli

Dr. Nicola Giordano
Currently Development Lead, Allianz SE – Reinsurance
Financial assessment of incremental seismic retrofitting of Nepali stone-masonry buildings
Research visitors

Ruiwei Feng
Currently Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Liu Zhenliang
Currently Associate Professor, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University

Duofa Ji
Currently Associate Professor, Harbin University, China