Articles in this field : 4
[J.42] * Sextos, A. G., de Risi, R., Pagliaroli, A., Foti, S., Passeri, F., Ausilio, E., Cairo, R., Capatti, M.-C., Chiabrando, F., Chiaradonna, A., Dashti, S., de Silva, F., Dezi, F., Durante, M.-G., Giallini, S., Lanzo, G., Sica, S., Simonelli, A.-L., & Zimmaro, P. (2018). Local Site Effects and Incremental Damage of Buildings during the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34(4), 1639–1669.
[J.48] Stewart, J. P., Zimmaro, P., Lanzo, G., Mazzoni, S., Ausilio, E., Aversa, S., Bozzoni, F., Cairo, R., Capatti, M.-C., Castiglia, M., Chiabrando, F., Chiaradonna, A., d’Onofrio, A., Dashti, S., de Risi, R., de Silva, F., della Pasqua, F., Dezi, F., di Domenica, A., … Tropeano, G. (2018). Reconnaissance of 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence. Earthquake Spectra, 34(4), 1547–1555.
[J.84] Cetin, K.-O., Mylonakis, G., Sextos, A. G., & Stewart, J. P. (2022). Reconnaissance of 2020 M 7.0 Samos Island (Aegean Sea) earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(14), 7707–7712.
[J.87] Mavroulis, S., Ilgac, M., Tunçağ, M., Lekkas, E., Püskülcü, S., Kourou, A., Sextos, A. G., Mavrouli, M., Can, G., Thoma, T., Manousaki, M., & Karveleas, N. (2022). Emergency response, intervention, and societal recovery in Greece and Turkey after the 30th October 2020, MW = 7.0, Samos (Aegean Sea) earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(14), 7933–7955.