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Articles in this field : 2
[J.36] Bousias, S., Sextos, A. G., Kwon, O.-S., Taskari, O., Elnashai, A., Evangeliou, N., & di Sarno, L. (2019). Intercontinental Hybrid Simulation for the Assessment of a Three-Span R/C Highway Overpass. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 23(7), 1194–1215.

[J.69] Zhang, Z., Park, J., Kwon, O.-S., Sextos, A. G., Strepelias, E., Stathas, N., & Bousias, S. (2021). Hybrid Simulation of Structure-Pipe-Structure Interaction within a Gas Processing Plant. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 12(2).