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Articles in this field : 3
[J.29] Sextos, A. G., Faraonis, P., Zabel, V., Wuttke, F., Arndt, T., & Panetsos, P. (2016). Soil–Bridge System Stiffness Identification through Field and Laboratory Measurements. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(10).

[J.37] Stefanidou, S. P., Sextos, A. G., Kotsoglou, A. N., Lesgidis, N., & Kappos, A. J. (2017). Soil-structure interaction effects in analysis of seismic fragility of bridges using an intensity-based ground motion selection procedure. Engineering Structures, 151, 366–380.

[J.46] Faraonis, P., Sextos, A. G., Papadimitriou, C., Chatzi, E., & Panetsos, P. (2019). Implications of subsoil-foundation modelling on the dynamic characteristics of a monitored bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15(2), 180–192.