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Articles in this field : 4
[J.56] Ali, A., de Risi, R., Sextos, A. G., Goda, K., & Chang, Z. (2020). Seismic vulnerability of offshore wind turbines to pulse and non‐pulse records. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(1), 24–50.

[J.67] Ali, A., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Finite element modeling optimization of wind turbine blades from an earthquake engineering perspective. Engineering Structures, 222, 111105.

[J.72] Ali, A., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Seismic assessment of wind turbines: How crucial is rotor-nacelle-assembly numerical modeling? Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 141, 106483.

[J.93] Zhang, Z., de Risi, R., & Sextos, A. G. (2023). Multi‐hazard fragility assessment of monopile offshore wind turbines under earthquake, wind and wave loads. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(9), 2658–2681.