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Articles in this field : 4
[J.08] Stylianidis, K.-A., & Sextos, A. G. (2009). Back Analysis of Thessaloniki Byzantine Land Walls as a Means to Assess its Seismic History. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 3(4), 339–361.

[J.55] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Out-of-plane closed-form solution for the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry schools in Nepal. Engineering Structures, 203, 109548.

[J.70] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., Sextos, A. G., Ramirez Cortes, F., Fonseca Ferreira, C., & Wu, J. (2021). Empirical seismic fragility models for Nepalese school buildings. Natural Hazards, 105(1), 339–362.

[J.95] di Michele, F., Spacone, E., Camata, G., Brando, G., Sextos, A. G., Crewe, A., Mylonakis, G., Diez, M., Dihoru, L., & Varum, H. (2023). Shaking table test and numerical analyses of a full scale three-leaf masonry wall. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 21(10), 5041–5081.