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Articles in this field : 3
[J.71] Giordano, N., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Analytical fragility curves for masonry school building portfolios in Nepal. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19(2), 1121–1150.

[J.76] Giordano, N., Norris, A., Manandhar, V., Shrestha, L., Paudel, D. R., Quinn, N., Rees, E., Shrestha, H., Marasini, N. P., Prajapati, R., Guragain, R., de Luca, F., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Financial assessment of incremental seismic retrofitting of Nepali stone-masonry buildings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60, 102297.

[J.96] Aminulai, H. O., Baiguera, M., Crump, D. A., Sextos, A. G., & Kashani, M. M. (2023). Experimental qualification of seismic strengthening of URM buildings in Nepal. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 173, 108130.