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Articles in this field : 19
[IC.83] Boukovalas, G., Psycharis, I., Gantes, C., Sextos, A., Kappos, A. and Mylonakis, G. (2017) “Performance-based design of bridge piers in liquefiable sites with shallow foundation and limited ground improvement”, 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 16-19.

[IC.76] Sextos A.G., Ekonomakis, MM. (2016) “Frequency Dependent Proxies of Soil-Structure Interaction Impact for Typical R/C Buildings”, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure, 28-30 June, 2016, Chania, Greece.

[J.01] Kappos, A. J., & Sextos, A. G. (2001). Effect of Foundation Type and Compliance on Seismic Response of RC Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 6(2), 120–130.

[J.20] Manos, G. C., Pitilakis, K. D., Sextos, A. G., Kourtides, V., Soulis, V., & Thauampteh, J. (2015). Field Experiments for Monitoring the Dynamic Soil–Structure–Foundation Response of a Bridge-Pier Model Structure at a Test Site. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(1).

[J.24] Taskari, O., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). Probabilistic Assessment of Abutment-Embankment Stiffness and Implications in the Predicted Performance of Short Bridges. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 19(5), 822–846.

[J.26] Lesgidis, N., Kwon, O.-S., & Sextos, A. G. (2015). A time-domain seismic SSI analysis method for inelastic bridge structures through the use of a frequency-dependent lumped parameter model. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(13), 2137–2156.

[J.29] Sextos, A. G., Faraonis, P., Zabel, V., Wuttke, F., Arndt, T., & Panetsos, P. (2016). Soil–Bridge System Stiffness Identification through Field and Laboratory Measurements. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(10).

[J.30] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A. G., & Kwon, O.-S. (2017). Influence of frequency-dependent soil-structure interaction on the fragility of R/C bridges. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(1), 139–158.

[J.37] Stefanidou, S. P., Sextos, A. G., Kotsoglou, A. N., Lesgidis, N., & Kappos, A. J. (2017). Soil-structure interaction effects in analysis of seismic fragility of bridges using an intensity-based ground motion selection procedure. Engineering Structures, 151, 366–380.

[J.43] Lesgidis, N., Sextos, A., & Kwon, O.-S. (2018). A frequency-dependent and intensity-dependent macroelement for reduced order seismic analysis of soil-structure interacting systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(11), 2172–2194.

[J.46] Faraonis, P., Sextos, A. G., Papadimitriou, C., Chatzi, E., & Panetsos, P. (2019). Implications of subsoil-foundation modelling on the dynamic characteristics of a monitored bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15(2), 180–192.

[J.54] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., & Sextos, A. G. (2019). Influence of structure–foundation–soil interaction on ground motions recorded within buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(11), 5867–5895.

[J.65] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., & Sextos, A. G. (2020). Analytical expressions relating free-field and foundation ground motions in buildings with basement, considering soil-structure interaction. Engineering Structures, 216(available online), 110757.

[J.74] Fiorentino, G., Cengiz, C., de Luca, F., Mylonakis, G., Karamitros, D., Dietz, M., Dihoru, L., Lavorato, D., Briseghella, B., Isakovic, T., Vrettos, C., Topa Gomes, A., Sextos, A. G., & Nuti, C. (2021). Integral abutment bridges: Investigation of seismic soil‐structure interaction effects by shaking table testing. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 50(6), 1517–1538.

[J.77] Sotiriadis, D., Margaris, B., Klimis, N., & Sextos, A. G. (2021). Implications of high-frequency decay parameter, “κ-kappa”, in the estimation of kinematic soil-structure interaction effects. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 144, 106665.

[J.83] Pokhrel, R. M., Gilder, C. E. L., Vardanega, P. J., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., Werner, M. J., & Sextos, A. G. (2022). Liquefaction potential for the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: a sensitivity study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20(1), 25–51.

[J.85] Luo, S., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., le Pen, L., Watson, G., Milne, D., Chapman, D., Sextos, A. G., Cassidy, N., Jefferson, I., Metje, N., Smethurst, J., Richards, D., Mylonakis, G., Taylor, C., Powrie, W., & Rogers, C. D. F. (2022). Challenges and perspectives for integral bridges in the UK: PLEXUS small-scale experiments. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 175(1), 27–43.

[J.86] Sotiriadis, D., Klimis, N., Margaris, B., Sextos, A. G., & Pelekis, P. (2022). Improved correlation between foundation and free‐field ground motions through strong motion recordings and kinematic soil–structure interaction analyses. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 51(4), 725–743.

[J.97] Luo, S., Huang, Z., Asia, Y., de Luca, F., de Risi, R., Harkness, J., le Pen, L., Watson, G., Milne, D., Chapman, D., Sextos, A. G., Metje, N., Mylonakis, G., Cassidy, N., Jefferson, I., Smethurst, J., Richards, D., Taylor, C., Powrie, W., & Rogers, C. (2023). Physical and numerical investigation of integral bridge abutment stiffness due to seasonal thermal loading. Transportation Geotechnics, 101064.